Empire Pest Control Rodent Programs
A successful rodent control program includes a combination of baiting and trapping for the highest rate of success. Empire Pest Control will inspect and design a rodent program specifically tailored for your home to effectively eliminate and prevent a rodent infestation.

Professional Rodent Control
Most homeowners don’t realize they have a problem until a few rodents worsen into an infestation. Rodents are a health hazard in homes and businesses and cause damage to structures. Droppings and urine can make you sick and their chewing and burrowing behavior will wreak havoc. Our professionals can help property owners remove current infestations and prevent them from occurring in the future
- Monitoring and Trapping – establish areas and level of activity and reduce it
- Exclusion – remove access to food, water, shelter to deter entry
- Prevention – Our technicians set up a system of baiting and monitoring to maintain success.
Learn More About How Preventative Measures Can Help
Empire Pest Control wants you to have the peace of mind that your home or business is free from issues with rodents. Our preventative measures and expert technicians can help you avoid the headache of a rodent infestation. We offer residential and commercial programs that can take care of your most valuable investments. Call today for an inspection and program recommendation.